Clark To Do The blog of Clark



private List<Type> beans;


在Spring源码的ListFactoryBean, MapFactoryBean内的createInstance方法中, 都包含GenericCollectionTypeResolver的特殊处理.


 * Determine the generic element type of the given Collection class
 * (if it declares one through a generic superclass or generic interface).
 * @param collectionClass the collection class to introspect
 * @return the generic type, or {@code null} if none
public static Class<?> getCollectionType(Class<? extends Collection> collectionClass) {
  return ResolvableType.forClass(collectionClass).asCollection().resolveGeneric();

 * Determine the generic key type of the given Map class
 * (if it declares one through a generic superclass or generic interface).
 * @param mapClass the map class to introspect
 * @return the generic type, or {@code null} if none
public static Class<?> getMapKeyType(Class<? extends Map> mapClass) {
  return ResolvableType.forClass(mapClass).asMap().resolveGeneric(0);

 * Determine the generic value type of the given Map class
 * (if it declares one through a generic superclass or generic interface).
 * @param mapClass the map class to introspect
 * @return the generic type, or {@code null} if none
public static Class<?> getMapValueType(Class<? extends Map> mapClass) {
  return ResolvableType.forClass(mapClass).asMap().resolveGeneric(1);

ResolvableType是Spring 4.0提供的类型解析的API,其中包含丰富简单的泛型操作支持.




// Assuming 'field' refers to 's' above
ResolvableType t1 = ResolvableType.forField(field); // List<Custom<Integer>>
ResolvableType t2 = t1.getGeneric(); // Custom<Integer>
ResolvableType t3 = t2.getGeneric(); // Integer
Class<?> c = t3.resolve(); // Integer.class
// or more succinctly
Class<?> c = ResolvableType.forField(field).resolveGeneric(0, 0);

// Assuming 'm' refers to a method that returns MultiValueMap<Integer, String>
ResolvableType t1 = ResolvableType.forMethodReturnType(m); // MultiValueMap<Integer, String>
ResolvableType t2 = t1.asMap(); // Map<Integer, List<String>>
ResolvableType t3 = t2.getGeneric(1); // List<String>
ResolvableType t4 = t3.getGeneric(); // String
Class<?> c = t4.resolve(); // String.class
// or more succinctly
Class<?> c = ResolvableType.forMethodReturnType(m).asMap().resolveGeneric(1, 0);

值得一提的是,在Spring 4.0中,框架在泛型支持方面,有了极大的提升.


public class MyConfiguration {

    public Custom<String> stringCustom() {
        return new StringCustom();

    public Custom<Integer> integerCustom() {
        return new IntegerCustom();



“No qualifying bean of type [Custom] is defined: expected single matching bean but found 2: stringCustom, integerCustom”


但是在Spring 4.0中,已经可以完全支持此类做法,容器会自动识别泛型类型,在定义与注入中都不会产生异常,甚至可以支持嵌套泛型.

private Custom<String> s1; // Injects the stringCustom bean

private Custom<Integer> s2; // Injects the integerCustom bean

private List<Custom<Integer>> s;
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